Shougang News

Shougang Donghua Company Got the First Order after “Conversion to Civilian Production”

Release Time:2018-05-02 22:07:03

Recently, Shougang Donghua Company received the first order after “conversion as a private enterprise” and successfully won the bid of Sinopec’s rapid installation of pipeline system project of the rescue maintenance center, which is an experimental project of the national pipeline rescue project as well as a landmark for Donghua Company to launch military products for civilian use, having the milestone significance of further military and civilian integration development.

How to apply the “high-end” military pipe-making technology to the “approachable” civilian products, react to the market demand and channel, and improve the “performance-price ratio” has been a new task for Donghua Company to accelerate its transformation and development and explore the integration of military and civilian industries at this new historical starting point.

As an old military industry enterprise with a history of nearly 50 years, Donghua Company is the only fixed-point manufacturer for domestic military hard field oil pipeline series products. It is said that the military field oil pipeline system is a large backbone equipment of the military logistics and has a high requirement for both pipe-making technology and quality. For many years, Donghua Company has devoted itself to research and independent innovation, formed an innovative automatic field oil pipeline production line, and the products feature light weight, fast connection, corrosion resistance and high strength which are widely used and equipped in the modernization of the national defense.

The Party’s 19th CPC National Congress report clearly states that “enterprises should pay more attention to the integration of the military and civilian production,” and Donghua Company undoubtedly has a unique natural advantage in this field. They have gradually spread the pipe-making technology and products to many areas, which were originally used only in the military sphere, namely mountain planting and irrigation, oil emergency use and mine rescue drainage, taking an important step in the development of military and civilian integration industry.

It is said that the project with Sinopec is for extending the field oil pipelines once only for military to civilian use. The main tasks of the project include the manufacture of DN150 steel pipelines, auxiliary parts and two centralized bunkers for oil pipeline leakage, maintenance and urban flood prevention and drainage. The total length of pipeline is 2 km with 6 months' construction period, and the supplied products are in full accordance with national military standards.

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